For this assignment we were asked to take a line from one of Gloria Anzaldua's pieces, either Borderlands or How to Tame a Wild Tongue. I chose the line "So common a site no one notices," to begin my story.

So common a site no one notices. A little boy, about the age of six, stretched out his precious, miniscule hand to reach for his mother’s as they began to walk across the street. Though the mother was smiling, it was clear she was distracted and more focused on her surroundings than her son’s gesture. To her, and to little boy, this was the norm. But as an elder woman watched from behind, she could see much more than anyone else. She had been through it all.

Reminiscing, she remembered starring into her handsome son’s tiny face all those years ago for the first time. He was squirming and squiggling, but was easily the most incredible creature she had ever laid eyes on. His first laugh came a few months later.  He learned to walk at fourteen months, only stumbling a few times on his journey across the room into Mommy’s open arms. She remembered walking across the street with her son arm in arm, skipping and smiling through life.

“Hi, Mom,” her son greeted her, breaking her from her memories. “Sorry I’m late.”

“That’s ok, Brian,” she said with a somber smile on her face. Grown at twenty-two, he already looked just like his father. She looked back, searching for the young mother and son, but now they too were out of reach. She only hoped that the mother would appreciate the time she had with her son, and both their youths, before it was too late. So common a site no one notices.

We were also asked to create a microfiction piece beginning with one of our Tweets. The tweet I chose was "We're going to Camp Bow Wow!" which the little boy I babysit for told me.

“We’re going to Camp Bow Wow! We’re going to Camp Bow Wow!”
the children chanted.

Brandon was thrilled. He and his parents had seen Camp Bow Wow for the first time last summer on their endless drive to Florida. They were on their way to see their grandparents, but luckily, his dad had desperately needed a bathroom, so they happened to stop in the glorious land of Camp Bow Wow. He fell in love at first glance. Though the camp seemed a little out of place for Savannah, Georgia, with its thick evergreen trees and wooden cabins, to Brandon it was perfect. His brother Charlie was still too young to join him, much to his dismay. At least Brandon’s friend Patrick was joining him or his worrisome parents probably wouldn’t have let him go at all. At this point, Brandon’s excitement was unbearable. He could smell the sweet forest air, feel the summer breeze on his neck. As soon as he got there, he was going to jump straight into the lake, where he would spend his afternoon before the campfire tonight. His parents had even packed him his own bag of marshmallows for the occasion. He was literally jumping up and down on the bulky bus seats with the thought, causing quite the uproar when they hit a bump in a road as he would almost crash to the floor each time.

“Attention children!” We are pulling into Camp Bow-Wow now, please grab all your belongings-“

“This is it!” Brandon yelled. He grabbed his bag, ready to jump off the bus. He was home.

2/7/2011 12:43:30 am

The camp Bow Wow story was very cute. I also liked your first micro fiction. It was very interesting to read.

Kim Longo
2/7/2011 12:46:20 am

Your second story that was created from your tweet was very creative. I can relate to you because the kids I babysit for are always screaming about how they are so excited to go some place new. I liked your use of nature in the first paragraph of the story. One line in particular was: "He could smell the sweet forest air, feel the summer breeze on his neck." If you are doing your twitterive on this topic, I would incorporate that line into your paper!

M. Norris
2/7/2011 12:48:53 am

I know we are supposed to be responding as editors, but I have to respond as a reader--I really enjoyed the first piece. I read it the other day, and it was great!

Sarah Pickell
2/7/2011 12:49:31 am

Your first story was really interesting. I liked that you made a parallel between the old mother and the younger mother. It was very poignant. I thought the Camp Bow Wow story was great! It was exactly how a young boy would act on going to camp for the first time. I work with kids at a camp over the summer, so I see firsthand exactly this kind of excitement every summer. Great job!

2/7/2011 02:59:37 am

I really enjoyed both pieces. In such a short amount of space, you've created tangible characters that really grabbed my attention. Since you don't have titles (gotta have titles), I will say in your FIRST piece, I applaud your creativity in using "so common a site" in a more figurative way..a moment in time as opposed to a physical place. Why do you use the quote twice though?


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