After seeing the menus for Lacey and Pitman school districts, I decided to investigate a little further into the impacts of school lunches. As it turns out, the First Lady has been working to make school lunches healthier. A program call "Chefs Move to School" is starting in June, which will help to change the nutritional standards being required for school. The Senate also just passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 to grant school adidional funds to reform the programs. It will also help workers recieve more training to provide healthier meals. Michelle Obama's program "Let's Move" is designed to help childhood obesity. She also recently requested to Congress to pass a bill that will require more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less salt and fat in menu items. They will not remove options, but will instead negotiate their ingredients to make them more nutricious. This final decision will remain in the hands of the Agriculture Department. In the meantime, the bill will also help remove junk food and caloric drinks from school vending machines.

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